Monday, February 28, 2011

Portraits and Lighiting

The photographer of this photo is David Bailey and this is a picture of Will Smith. There isnt anything else besides the person in the picture. His postion in this picture is straight forward. This photo is taken from a perspective of the photogrpher which is right in front of Will. The expression that he has is a very playful and he is pretending to be a monkey. The lighting is coming from the side and back. I think that the lighing on the side is a litle diffuesed. The feeling of this photo is funny and playful. You can tell that he is a funny guy and we all know that he was a comedian on "fresh Prince of Bel Air"

The photographer of this photo is Melissa Louise and this is a picture of Jessica. There isnt anything else in this photo besides her. She is in a very relaxed postion. The photo was taken a little bit above her head. She has a calm expression on her face. The light is coming from the side and forward and there was diffused lighting used. This photo conveys a calm, relaxed feeling. You can tell she is a nice person and maybe a little shy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

White Balance

With the plant photo, I took it on auto with no flash and the bowl of candy was taken also on auto but i used a flash. The plant was edited using vibrance and saturation and the bowl of candy was edited using the curves to create more shadows on it. My plant photo is a vignette with a black outside. It was a little tickey to do on photo shop, but turned out very nicely. The bowl of candy is a "cloned" picture. I added a red sugary heart to the middle of the bowl, and as you can tell, its hard to tell which one was cloned.

I think that both of my pictures look really good and I think that I did a really good job. I think that both have good compostion and I think that I used the two techniques very accuratly. I dont think that I would change anything about my photos. I was actually surprised by the nice quality of both pictures.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Day in the Life-Maizy

When taking this picture, I got low on the ground and there was one of my gods toys laying on the ground. The sun was shinning perfectly in my path. I took the poicture with an ISO of 200 and 800. This one is the 800 ISO. I then edited the picture using Vibrance and Saturation. These effects brightened and warmed up the picture.
I think that my photo is pretty strong. I really like the sun beams and the little circles on the photo from the sun. I think that they make it look warm. This sounds funny, but I like how the pig id facing down. You don't really see his face and I think that it shows that my dog was actually playing with it and not set up. I was also surprised by the quality of the details in the rope and the carpet. Overall, I think this picture looks very nice.