Friday, April 29, 2011


I layered basic pictures of people and then layed then layered them with plants. In the one it looks like she is almost climbing up the plant and the one of the boy is layered with a flower. I like this technique and I think it makes the pictures look really cool.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

On the first one I Posterized it and then did the yellow and dark blue gradient. On the second one I just gradiented it with blue orange yellow and purple. I then arrowed down, and used the "color".

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I just expieremented with inverting and using levels. I did a little polarization for the first photo also. I like this technique and i think it makes the picture look very different.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The first one is vintage. I put a yellow color by adding a filter to the photo, and i adjusted the colors using curves. The second one is the grainy one. I added a smart filter and then used the noise filter. It is suttle but makes a difference. The last one is the high contrast. I adjusted the vibrance and hue & saturation and also used the curves. I like the vintage and high contrast ones the best. The grainy one just looks bad to me.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Theme Illistrator

My theme is hands. For the editing of this photo I sharpened it using High Pass and then turned it to black and white and changed some of the curves. When adding text to it, I wrote "where you stand and think of going no further." I put this on my photo because that was a quote that was written on the bridge that this photo was taken from. I am proud of this photo and i think it looks great!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


1. Credability to me, means that I am a trustworthy photographer and I use Real Pictures. 2.The Time magazine was changed to make the guy look tough and brave. they changed it by adding a vingette and darker colors. 3. Taste has to do with things that we do not want to see in life and Ethics has to do with lying and decaption. 4. I decide to publish a photo if i think that it is very strong and represents the thing in a positive way. 5. He publishes a photo that has a great impact on the viewer and makes them think. 6. The legs on the lady draws twords her body which we can see is older. Also her arms on the handle bars draws twoards her face too. 7. I think it is okay to change a photo if it enhances it or if there is a blemish that should be removed. 8. Photos are minipulated to add depth and thought to it. they do this because they want the view to change thier perspective. 9. they apply to me all the time because editing photos are all about decision making skills and making the best decision to have the photo look its best. 10. people edit photos to make them look stronger or weaker which can effect society greatly.